9:00am / 2:00pm
We'll pick you up at your hotel or hostel in Arequipa at either 9:00am or 2:00pm, depending on whether you've opted for a morning or afternoon tour, and head for our first stop, ascending the hill town of Sachaca, with its stacked houses resembling stairs, to visit Sachaca Lookout, from where we'll be able to see the entire city, the majestic volcanoes which surround it, the idyllic countryside of Arequipa, Tiabaya, Goyeneche Palace, and Hunter District.01
10:30am / 3:30pm
We'll then continue on to rural and traditional Paucarpata, where we'll appreciate a striking set of Inca and pre-Inca agricultural terraces still in use, along which graze alpacas and vicuñas. After visiting Paucarpata's Plaza we'll continue onward to the 16th Founder's Mansion constructed by the city's founder. It's also known as Goyeneche Palace due to its striking 18th century renovation.
We'll also visit the 400 year old Sabandia Stone Mill, powered by a neighboring waterfall and worth seeing for its stately sillar architecture alone, you'll have the chance to see the traditional method of grinding grains as well as appreciate the pastoral beauty of its surroundings.
We'll then continue on to the traditional town of Cayma on the right of the Chili River; our destination is Carmen Alto Lookout. On the riverside we'll be able to see the well-conserved pre-Inca agricultural terraces surrounded by ancient paths. The terraces, built by Yarabayas, are sill in use today, as are the pathways and an irrigation channel which tends to much of Cayma and Yanahuara's agricultural lands. The natural scenery boasts water